HOLLYWOOD HULA ::: Pacific Islander Film Hui

Living Pono

Posted in Film, People by hollywoodhula on March 19, 2008

Living Pono

Hawaiian screen icon Jason Scott Lee (Rapa Nui, Dragon, Lilo & Stitch) shares his philosophy of sustainable living, Hawaiian-style, in a documentary currently in production.

Bay Area filmmaker Rick Bacigalupi follows Jason around his farm on the big island of Hawaii, from lo’i (taro patch) to lua (outhouse). The farm is based on natural farming techniques developed by Japanese agricultural sensei Masanobu Fukuoka, and on traditional Hawaiian principles of environmental stewardship.

“Living pono benefits everybody, and this is how the Hawaiian people and a lot of other indigenous people were able to survive for centuries, thousands of years, in the same locale, in the same place, on limited resources,” says Lee.

The project has support from Hawai’i Public Television, but director Baci seeks help from sponsors and “viewers like you” in getting the film finished and on PBS.

Living Pono website

View trailer and clips at You Tube

5 Responses

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  1. Nazh said, on July 17, 2008 at 8:58 am

    He visto el video del documental y es fascinante. Me encantaría saber más a cerca de vivir pono. Sería muy gratificante que me enviaran documentación sobre la cultura hawaiiana, la agricultura y sus métodos. Vivo en Tenerife y aquí intentamos conservar nuestras tradiciones con la agriculltura, nuestro pueblo guanche, la forma de vivir en nuestras islas antes de que llegasen los españoles a conquistarnos.
    Muchas gracias.


  2. hollywoodhula said, on July 17, 2008 at 3:35 pm

    Gracias Nazh. We’ve taken the liberty of translating:

    “I have seen the video of the documentary and it is fascinating. I would love to know about the pono way of life. It would be very gratifying if you could send me papers on Hawaiian culture, the agriculture and its methods. I live in Tenerife and here we try to preserve the agricultural traditions and the way of life of our Guanche people in our islands before the Spanish came to conquer us. Thank you very much.”

  3. hollywoodhula said, on September 26, 2008 at 1:31 pm

    Dear friends of “Living Pono with Jason Scott Lee”:

    I’m excited to announce that the first public screening of our work-in-progress cut has been included as part of the 2008 Hawai’i International Film Festival and will take place on Sunday, October 12th at 1PM at the Regal Dole Cannery Theater in Honolulu.  I hope some of you may be able to attend–please pass this note along to friends, family and neighbors!

    our Film Festival webpage:

    Living Pono webpage:

    Thank you for your interest, and please stay tuned!


    Rick Bacigalupi
    Producer, “Living Pono”

  4. Jonathan said, on November 23, 2008 at 10:57 pm


    I was wondering if this documentary is for sale, or is there some way for others to see it that don’t live in Hawaii?

  5. hollywoodhula said, on November 24, 2008 at 7:25 pm

    I believe the film is still in production so won’t be released on DVD for a while yet. The screening at HIFF was a “work in progress”.

    Check with Rick at http://www.LivingPono.com.

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